
about me

Dr. Matthew Polacheck is a nationally-recognized keynote speaker and trainer, licensed psychologist and leader in the field of mental health.

Matthew Polacheck, PsyD, MA, is a nationally-recognized expert and spokesperson in the field of mental health and substance use disorder issues. For the past six years, Matthew Polacheck has served as the Director of Betty Ford Center Los Angeles, utilizing his wide breadth of experience and expertise to lead the addiction treatment center.

 Dr. Polacheck has traveled the country providing training to groups of professionals including United Airlines pilots, as well as doctors, nurses, lawyers, and HR representatives.”  He has had numerous leadership roles, in a range of settings, during his 15 years as a clinician. Prior to Betty Ford, he was the Director of Mental Health for the Center for Discovery. Dr. Polacheck also served as program director for multiple adolescent residential facilities, where he worked with a diverse range of patients using a variety of clinical interventions. He was instrumental in opening and operating a mental health I.O.P. program.

Dr. Polacheck’s goal of educating the public has led to many appearances on television, including on CNN, FOX news, ABC News, NBC News, and more than 21 episodes of the Dr. Phil Show. Dr. Polacheck has also co-hosted a radio show called “Answers for the Family,” and has appeared multiple times on SiriusXM radio and other channels. He also has written articles for and been featured in  many national publications.

Aside from his leadership and training, the value that Dr. Polacheck places on education is reflected in his years spent teaching graduate courses, chairing dissertations, and mentoring and supervising future therapists.

My Mission

As a leader in this field, I aim to reach and empower as many people as I can. I have been fortunate to learn and study from some of the best minds in the field of mental health. With modern research on how the brain and body work, we are making great strides in understanding and ultimately changing human behavior. My focus is to package this knowledge and deliver it to people in ways they can easily understand so they can apply it and evolve in both mind and body. Hope is a critical starting point, but change is hard. Through my writing, presentations, trainings and individual therapy sessions, I will impact our community and inspire hope and change. If you accept the challenge and want to work toward a better understanding of yourself,  give me a call!


 The Wright Institute- Berkeley, CA

      Psy. D. degree in Clinical Psychology                

      M.A. degree in counseling psychology

 University of Arizona

      B.A. degree in Psychology, minor in Africana studies


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